Brian Wetjen and son Calder draw in the NYC Flock House at Bemis – Old Market

When Brian Wetjen saw the Flock House, his first response was, “I want one in my backyard.” He wants to spend time in one, and overnight. He would equip it with “hose, solar, hatches and panels for access to growing things or sanitation.” For materials he would use “anything, preferably what can be salvaged, recycled or re-used. But one in a way that looks intentional and cool.”

He would provide “craftsmanship, engineering, interface, visibility, design materials, concepts, integration into environments” to a design and building team.  “Yes,” he would go if a Flock of Flock Houses migrated to a single place.

The Flock House idea might play a role in addressing population displacement and suffering. “By coming up with new and unique ways to build, source, locate and place shelters, perhaps we can solve some problems and create new solutions when it comes to meeting those needs of those who would be helped most by it.”

Below is Brian’s drawing with these words on the back of the page:  “integrate nature into life”

Brian Wetjen - "integrate nature into life"

Brian Wetjen – “integrate nature into life”

Calder Wetjen, Age 6

Calder Wetjen, Age 6